May 2, 2021

July 4, 2020

"My second breastfeeding journey began with Wilbur very shortly after his birth. we were having skin to skin and he found his own way, I remember feeling so content in that moment.  I felt much more confident this time around. I knew to follow wilburs lead , feed him on demand and keep him close to me.  I carried him in a sling, until he wanted to run around and hold my hand.  Wilbur used to suck his thumb when he wanted feeding, and now I almost know instinctively when he wants feeding or he will tell me. Feeding a toddler involves lots of acrobatics and hair twiddling, but so many extra cuddles, endless smiles, and content eyes pouring in to you. Wilbur is our last baby and I plan to allow him to self wean when he is ready and to saviour our journey together."