“The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy, or too impatient. To dig for treasures shows not only impatience and greed, but lack of faith. Patience, patience, patience, is what the sea teaches. Patience and faith. One should lie empty, open, choiceless as a beach—waiting for a gift from the sea.” Anne Morrow Lindbergh, from A Gift from the Sea.

Welcome to our Coast to Coast loop. We are a group of photographers from around the world, from timezones as far flung as Australia to Canada and in between, each with a different seascape. Coast to Coast aims to document our changing sea views and perspectives - both literal and philosophical - of what the sea means to us, month to month through the changing seasons. To follow the loop go to the ever so amazing Jill Reidy

The sea has played such a big part in my life this past month.  We've been coming here a lot lately and each time it feels like a Completely new experience. This month we've experienced all kinds of weather from needing our winter coats and hats to being able to dip our toes and legs in. We've experienced all the tides from super low to super high.  I think that's what I love about our little spot,  it's always changing,  and it never looks or feels the same to me. The images below were taken throughout this past month.

Starting a couple of weeks ago I've begun having morning bike rides to Keyhaven and back along the seawall and it's been so incredible.  It really has changed me.  Just to have this bit of time in the morning to be on my own,  to feel the sea air and to move my body feels so incredibly good and when I look out into the sea I feel so much joy and feel so so grateful to live where I do. There are even moments where I feel happy tears wanting to be released at the sheer beauty of  it all. These mornings of mine have already become a habit and I hope to continue with my daily morning bike rides because they really do make everything better,  the energy of the sea gives me all the strength I need.