Showing items tagged with: Lymington Nature Reserve

This is my personal project and one that is very close to my heart: Photographing one whole day in my life, it began a few years ago on Monday Jan 1, 2018 when I did 1 day a week switching days each week which I did for two years and then for year three I only did them for each full moon and changed the format of them. Now I'm in my fourth year of doing this project, I began with the intention of doing them weekly but that hasn't been happening so I'm doing them whenever it feels right up until I reach Week 52 but still focusing on our weekends or when we are all together and have returned to my original way of doing them which is choosing 25 images for the day. Hope you enjoy following along!

Week 50 Year 2

Week 50 Year 2

We decided to go on a walk to our little beach and you wanted to ride your bike...You had always said you weren't going to take your stabilisers off until you are all grown up, until you are twenty but for some amazing reason you wanted to try without them and you did amazingly!! It made me all emotional, and the tears began to flow.

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Week 47 Year 2

Week 47 Year 2

On our way to our beach you rode your scooter and were being so sweet singing your little heart out to Spirit Riding Free, you told me that doing so gives you power. You are so incredibly excited for spring and keep shouting “Look, Signs of spring everywhere!!!

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Week 42 Year 2

Week 42 Year 2

My plan with you having a nap so I could write before we went out to meet friends didn't work out at all as you had no intention of sleeping whatsoever. We headed out a bit early so we could stop by the shop and Gregg's for vegan sausage rolls which you absolutely love ...

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Week 40 Year 2

Week 40 Year 2

While Forrest slept you (Nixie) me and daddy finally got to dissect our owl pellets! You were so excited about it and couldn't wait although at first you were a bit scared and just wanted to watch but then you got brave and really got into it.

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Week 34 Year 2

Week 34 Year 2

For the past couple of months I have not been very good at keeping up with this project and have been doing it on random days.To be absolutely honest for the past couple of months I haven't been doing very well at all mentally and I realised that maybe it could be postnatal depression.

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Week 22 Year 2

Week 22 Year 2

I've been so conscious of the passing of time again, I want to just savour, slow down and cherish this time in our lives. You are growing up so quickly and it feels so bittersweet. I've been getting these lumps in my throat and knots in my stomach when I look at you and your sister sometimes...

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Week 18 Year 2

Week 18 Year 2

It was one of those days that was spent mostly indoors cleaning and tidying with a little bit of creativity thrown in here and there along with a gorgeous evening walk by the sea.

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Week 17 Year 2

Week 17 Year 2

It happened to be the hottest day of the year and we had a great one! We went to our beach, had a swim in the sea, you flew a kite for the first time then we headed to the woods and played in the streams and came home and roasted marshmallows. We might have overdone it but it was worth it, it was the perfect day full of memory making.

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Week 52 Year 1

Week 52 Year 1

You (Forrest) like to wake up every 90 min to nurse, but you seemed a lot more settled through the night than the past few days so that made me happy, you're favourite way to fall back asleep is on my chest, sometimes if I try putting you down next to me you start really screaming at me. I hate seeing you uncomfortable and in pain, you've been having lots of wind due to me having an oversupply of milk and a crazy fast letdown

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