Showing items tagged with: Raising Frogs

This is my personal project and one that is very close to my heart: Photographing one whole day in my life, it began a few years ago on Monday Jan 1, 2018 when I did 1 day a week switching days each week which I did for two years and then for year three I only did them for each full moon and changed the format of them. Now I'm in my fourth year of doing this project, I began with the intention of doing them weekly but that hasn't been happening so I'm doing them whenever it feels right up until I reach Week 52 but still focusing on our weekends or when we are all together and have returned to my original way of doing them which is choosing 25 images for the day. Hope you enjoy following along!

Week 21 Year 2

Week 21 Year 2

You ended up having so many great experiences!....but i think your favourite thing was building your bug hotel, you really seem to enjoy working with wood and loved using the different kinds of drills including the powered drill and getting your face painted. If you could have your face painted everyday you’d be the happiest little girl! You just get so relaxed and love the feeling of it all, it is so sweet, you always almost fall asleep.

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Week 12 Year 2

Week 12 Year 2

It was such a great day! Everything flowed so beautifully and we spent the morning with friends at Goodalls Strawberry Farm and you scooted the whole way and the rest of the day was spent reading and doing crafts. It was one of those days where at the end I felt so fulfilled.

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Week 11 Year 2

Week 11 Year 2

Yesterday you turned four. I cannot quite believe it. Four years I have been a mumma, I still remember the first time we met as if it were yesterday. You came out into this world with bright red hair, your name was truly meant for you, you are our Phoenix, our little firebird. You are the greatest spiritual guide I’ve ever had, you inspire me to become the best version of myself and I feel so blessed that you chose us as your parents. Thank you for being you.

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Week 7 Year 2

Week 7 Year 2

The main theme for the day was all about frogs, we had our first Operation Freedom where we released some of our froglets and had quite the adventure out in the woods that involved tantrums, lots of laughter & me getting absolutely stuck up to my knees in stinky silty mud and needed to be rescued!

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Week 1 Year 2

Week 1 Year 2

After we finished some chores (feeding the tadpoles, putting away the blow up bed from when our friends were here, doing some laundry and a bit of tidying) we had made plans with some of our favourite people in the world to head to the woods for a picnic

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Week 52 Year 1

Week 52 Year 1

You (Forrest) like to wake up every 90 min to nurse, but you seemed a lot more settled through the night than the past few days so that made me happy, you're favourite way to fall back asleep is on my chest, sometimes if I try putting you down next to me you start really screaming at me. I hate seeing you uncomfortable and in pain, you've been having lots of wind due to me having an oversupply of milk and a crazy fast letdown

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