It was such a good day for us. I finally had finished my editing marathon for some clients and had a day where my focus could be completely on Nixie. For the last while our days begin around 5 AM and the first thing Nixie wanted to do was pop the last ballons that were still hanging up from her 3rd birthday. The rest of the morning was filled with chores, we had a lovely surprise from the cats in which one of them weed and pood on the bed which meant another trip to the laundromat was needed to clean the duvet but Nixie loved her time there and it meant we were able to have a little stroll to a couple of shops where we ended up buying a little flower press. It also meant a trip to Costa so she could have her favourite drink in the world: hot chocolate. And it also meant a trip to the playground. When we got home we made hand prints using plaster of paris and decorating them with dried flowers from our new flower press. The second half of the day we went to the seaside, it was such a gorgeous peaceful afternoon, and it was the first time we were able to go there wihtout wellies! Just as we were leaving several horses arrived, I had never seen them on the seawall and it was truly such a beautiful sight. When we got home it was time for dinner, bath and bed and I should mention that yes, she's back in our bed! She has been for the past few weeks, every once in a while she'll decide to sleep in her own room but for the most part she's the happiest in the family bed and we are all happy with that!