Day In My Life

This is my personal project and one that is very close to my heart: Photographing one whole day in my life, it began a few years ago on Monday Jan 1, 2018 when I did 1 day a week switching days each week which I did for two years and then for year three I only did them for each full moon and changed the format of them. Now I'm in my fourth year of doing this project, I began with the intention of doing them weekly but that hasn't been happening so I'm doing them whenever it feels right up until I reach Week 52 but still focusing on our weekends or when we are all together and have returned to my original way of doing them which is choosing 25 images for the day. Hope you enjoy following along!

Week 13 Year 2

Week 13 Year 2

After running some errands, it was one of those lazy days at home creating and baking and if I wasn't trying to get Forrest to sleep I was trying to keep both of you happy. It was a day of trying to find the balance.

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Week 12 Year 2

Week 12 Year 2

It was such a great day! Everything flowed so beautifully and we spent the morning with friends at Goodalls Strawberry Farm and you scooted the whole way and the rest of the day was spent reading and doing crafts. It was one of those days where at the end I felt so fulfilled.

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Week 11 Year 2

Week 11 Year 2

Yesterday you turned four. I cannot quite believe it. Four years I have been a mumma, I still remember the first time we met as if it were yesterday. You came out into this world with bright red hair, your name was truly meant for you, you are our Phoenix, our little firebird. You are the greatest spiritual guide I’ve ever had, you inspire me to become the best version of myself and I feel so blessed that you chose us as your parents. Thank you for being you.

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Week 10 Year 2

Week 10 Year 2

It was a really great day although we didn't get up to much. It was a day spent at home lounging around. Forrest held his first balloon, had his first big belly laugh and Nixie & Kevin made cupcakes. We had plans to head to the woods but making cupcakes ended up somehow taking up most of the day!

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Week 9 Year 2

Week 9 Year 2

You and I were jarring a bit, and you were doing lots of things you weren't supposed to do (it’s because you didn't get enough sleep, you stayed up way too late to be getting up so early, you always get like this when that’s the case!) and my patience felt a bit thin but luckily it wasn’t very long lived and you and I had a little do-over and all was well after that....well for a little bit!

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Week 8 Year 2

Week 8 Year 2

After nursing Forrest you and I went on our own little adventure while daddy got some special cuddles from Forrest. It felt absolutely magical walking hand in hand with you while we explored new territory. We even came across 4 deer who didn't run away from us entirely, they stayed within our eye sight so we followed them, we had to scramble through prickly gorse, hike through muddy bogs...

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Week 7 Year 2

Week 7 Year 2

The main theme for the day was all about frogs, we had our first Operation Freedom where we released some of our froglets and had quite the adventure out in the woods that involved tantrums, lots of laughter & me getting absolutely stuck up to my knees in stinky silty mud and needed to be rescued!

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Week 6 Year 2

Week 6 Year 2

What I love about our days is that I never know where your heart will take us. Today was one of those nice relaxing days at home playing games, reading books and you wanting to learn about snails. It was also a day that became so much about Forrest's new favourite song, Lennie Hibert's Real Hot.

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Week 5 Year 2

Week 5 Year 2

And it is that time again for another entry for Artefact motherhood, a beautiful blog circle which is a collaboration of artists & mothers from around the world sharing stories of the joys and struggles of our journey... You (Nixie) wanted to go to the farm again, we've been going there a lot lately as it's currently one of your favourite places to be so we got ready to leave the house....

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Week 4 Year 2

Week 4 Year 2

...Afterwards we went for a little walk to the quay for ice cream and to feed the birds but because it started to rain we had an unexpected stop at Costa for a coffee for us and a hot chocolate for you. The rain finally stopped so we continued on our way to the ice cream shop and then to find a bench to sit on. Forrest started stirring and needed to nurse so I didn't really get to hang out with you and daddy (you didn't want to sit by me and wanted to explore instead).

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Week 3 Year 2

Week 3 Year 2

Today was one of those days that leaves you feeling drained. It was especially hard to photograph for this project because I barely moved away from the couch and I felt a bit like a milk machine. It was a day of soothing a hurting Forrest who cried the most he's ever cried and at the same time trying to block hits and bites from a sad and angry Nixie. We also said our final goodbyes to our car, DeeDee

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Week 2 Year 2

Week 2 Year 2

After another night of being up a lot with a snotty nosed Forrest we all made it downstairs just after 6:00, missing daddy by just a few minutes. While making porridge for us you (Nixie) kept running excitedly into the kitchen exclaiming "Forrest talked to me!" I asked you what he said and you replied, "he said daddy and he also said his first thing that there was no more popcorn and how he really wants some even though he only has booby"

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