Things seem to be changing so fast in our world at the moment and everything is feeling more and more surreal. Since last week things have escalated so quickly with this whole coronavirus epidemic. Last week daddy had mentioned how they may all need to work from home soon and that friday they all did a test run of it and on mon he decided to stay working from home but the following day the government advised everyone to stay home. We decided to not send you (Nixie) to forest school this week because we’ve all been a bit coldy and on Thur your crazy creatures club was cancelled and today is the last day of the schools being open because the government has decided it is time for them to close as well. It all doesn’t really feel real at the moment but we are practising social distancing and trying to stay away from the shops as much as possible. I did have to go out to Waitrose today and you became so angry when we said you couldn’t come with, you tried to block me from leaving and became so upset, screaming “This isn’t real!!!” It broke my heart to see you so upset and obviously confused. I hated having to tell you we needed to keep our distance from our friends and others for a long while. It is such a sad reality. I was happy though that you did calm down on your own and let me go but not before giving me the biggest hug and holding hands through the letterbox. 

Forrest you are doing so many incredibly cute things at the moment, you absolutely love to give us kisses and to hold hands and your newest thing is to get me or daddy’s had and to guide us to the window sill in the lounge so that you can climb onto it, you love that little spot and i just think you are absolutely adorable. You and Nixie are so close at the moment and she loves to feed you and give you all sorts of snacks especially snacks I would rather you not have! 

We headed to our special place in the woods today, it’s our magic place and always makes everything better and we had the most glorious day! The magic began before we even got to our spot when we were blessed with the sight of a beautiful white young stag and then about 2 minutes later we saw a huge herd of deer and even though we see them often living here the sense of wonder and awe never leaves me. It always feels like a good omen when we cross paths with them. 

The rest of the day was spent lounging in our hammocks, building a giant den, looking for little creatures, listening to the birds and seeing all of the different signs of spring appear. You, Forrest are so at home in the woods just like me, your sister and daddy. You love to explore and to feel all the different parts of nature, you’ve also started to kiss the trees and there’s this one tree in particular that you seem to have a connection with, it’s so very sweet. Although you did have a sad moment when you fell face first into the holly bush and you cried so hard and my heart broke for you, I hate that you have to learn these lessons! 

We stayed out most of the day and headed back just as it was getting dark. When we got home we had dinner and then watched a movie, Dolittle, which you, Nixie absolutely loved and had you giggling and laughing like crazy!! You were so sweet and before you went to bed with daddy you rushed into the bathroom to  get my toothbrush ready with toothpaste, you love to do things for us at the moment, I forgot to say all the sweet things you’ve been doing, you love to get me my coffee and bring me treats on a are just so lovely