Day In My Life

This is my personal project and one that is very close to my heart: Photographing one whole day in my life, it began a few years ago on Monday Jan 1, 2018 when I did 1 day a week switching days each week which I did for two years and then for year three I only did them for each full moon and changed the format of them. Now I'm in my fourth year of doing this project, I began with the intention of doing them weekly but that hasn't been happening so I'm doing them whenever it feels right up until I reach Week 52 but still focusing on our weekends or when we are all together and have returned to my original way of doing them which is choosing 25 images for the day. Hope you enjoy following along!

week 29 Year 1

week 29 Year 1

We had a really good day today, we woke up around 7AM and I actually felt really refreshed and energised! Our morning began with morning cuddles on the couch and us discussing what today's' adventure should be and you requested we go to the forest but before we headed out we had nice morning at home. You wanted to draw and you drew your very first pig! and you are still very much loving practising writing your numbers..

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week 28 Year 1

week 28 Year 1

We had such a great day today. Your auntie Anita is visiting us from Sweden and you are loving that she is here, the two of you have really bonded and it just warms my heart so much. You and I woke up before everyone else and had our breakfast, you requested peanut butter and jam sandwiches and I thought why not !?!

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week 27 Year 1

week 27 Year 1

I woke up before you two and was nursing a very bad headache. You had been poorly just before you went to bed last night vomiting so much that me and your dad kept an eye on you all night, we even had a bucket beside the bed just in case but luckily you slept straight through and when you did wake up you were in the best of moods!

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week 26 Year 1

week 26 Year 1

And it is that time again for another entry for Artefact motherhood, a beautiful blog circle which is a collaboration of artists & mothers from around the world sharing stories of the joys and struggles of our journey.... Our morning began as most our mornings do; you having your morning boob & cuddles as your way of slowly waking up but what was different was that today we didn't get out of bed until 7AM!

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week 25 Year 1

week 25 Year 1

We had a really good day! Our day began at 5AM, Nixie had made it downstairs before I did and when I saw her she was nursing her little baby and telling her, "everything is going to be otay" she was being so tender & loving,

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week 24 Year 1

week 24 Year 1

It was day 4 of another camping trip and it was a hard day. The previous 4 days were challenging too and I think that added to my tiredness but I have to say it ended up being our best day so far during this trip.

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week 23 Year 1

week 23 Year 1

The first part of the day we took it nice and slow just hanging out at home taking our time to get dressed and ready. She decided it was a great idea to build a tower with our books and I was pleasantly surprised that she actually helped put them back when she was finished.

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week 22 Year 1

week 22 Year 1

Our day began with picking strawberries from our garden for breakfast & I adore how excited Nixie gets whenever she sees a bright red one! After a few errands we headed to one of our favourite spots again: Goodalls Strawberry Farm

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week 21 Year 1

week 21 Year 1

It was day two of our third camping trip of the year and it was such a beautiful day of memory making. First off Nixie managed to blow bubbles for the very first time on her own and the look of accomplishment on her face was priceless!

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week 20 Year 1

week 20 Year 1

This is a very special entry because it is also my first entry for Artefact motherhood blog circle which is a collaboration of artists/mothers from around the world. Mothers sharing stories of the joys and struggles of our journey. These are more than photographs with dates written on the back. These are the artefacts we are leaving behind for children and the generations to come.

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week 19 Year 1

week 19 Year 1

We did not have a good day. In fact, it was pretty awful. I wasn't feeling good, had been completely bed bound a couple days earlier with a vomiting bug and it still hadn't left my system completely. I felt emotional and pretty moody all day and Nixie wasn't in the best of places either.

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week 18 Year 1

week 18 Year 1

It was such a good day for us. I finally had finished my editing marathon for some clients and had a day where my focus could be completely on Nixie. For the last while our days begin around 5 AM and the first thing Nixie wanted to do was pop the last ballons that were still hanging up from her 3rd birthday. The rest of the morning was filled with chores, we had a lovely surprise from the cats in which one of them weed and pood on the bed which meant another trip to the laundromat was needed to clean the duvet.

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