Day In My Life

This is my personal project and one that is very close to my heart: Photographing one whole day in my life, it began a few years ago on Monday Jan 1, 2018 when I did 1 day a week switching days each week which I did for two years and then for year three I only did them for each full moon and changed the format of them. Now I'm in my fourth year of doing this project, I began with the intention of doing them weekly but that hasn't been happening so I'm doing them whenever it feels right up until I reach Week 52 but still focusing on our weekends or when we are all together and have returned to my original way of doing them which is choosing 25 images for the day. Hope you enjoy following along!

Week 49 Year 2

Week 49 Year 2

We're on our second week of lock down and we're really missing the forest. We stopped going there last Thu and haven’t left the house at all since then. The sunny weather makes me feel so restless but we’ve been spending time in our tiny garden getting it ready for all of our seedlings that will soon be ready to go outside.

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Week 48 Year 2

Week 48 Year 2

Things seem to be changing so fast in our world at the moment and everything is feeling more and more surreal. Since last week things have escalated so quickly with this whole coronavirus epidemic....We headed to our special place in the woods today, it’s our magic place and always makes everything better...

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Week 47 Year 2

Week 47 Year 2

On our way to our beach you rode your scooter and were being so sweet singing your little heart out to Spirit Riding Free, you told me that doing so gives you power. You are so incredibly excited for spring and keep shouting “Look, Signs of spring everywhere!!!

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Week 46 Year 2

Week 46 Year 2

Nixie, you were poorly yesterday and we weren't sure if we were going to take you to forest school but you seemed much better this morning so we decided to take you. Forrest, you on the other hand was still pretty poorly, we started off the morning with trying to get you to breathe in some oils that we had put on a tissue to help you clear your chest a little but you just thought we were being strange.

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Week 45 Year 2

Week 45 Year 2

We left the house just before 9:00 and we arrived early enough at the station to hop on the train when it goes to Lymington pier and back and the two of you had lots of fun running around. Once we got to brockenhurst we changed trains and about 15 min later we arrived at our destination: Christchurch

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Week 44 Year 2

Week 44 Year 2

I had a shower and when I was standing in front of the mirror you were fascinated by my lopsided boobs and wouldn't stop jiggling the bigger one! It's a good three or four times bigger. You said, "it was like a trampoline. And so fat and big!" When we came downstairs you surprised me by wanting some boob and Forrest wasn't impressed!

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Week 43 Year 2

Week 43 Year 2

It took us about two hours to arrive, daddy had already booked parking at at a hotel in kensington which made it super easy and then we walked for about 20 min or so to the natural history museum. Forrest you fell asleep right as we arrived and slept through our whole tour of the dinosaurs which you, Nixie, really loved...

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Week 42 Year 2

Week 42 Year 2

My plan with you having a nap so I could write before we went out to meet friends didn't work out at all as you had no intention of sleeping whatsoever. We headed out a bit early so we could stop by the shop and Gregg's for vegan sausage rolls which you absolutely love ...

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Week 41 Year 2

Week 41 Year 2

I looked up into the tree and saw a lone crow staring back at me. I have always loved crows and got really happy and took a few steps closer and looked into her eyes and invited her to come down to us, I even said to you Nixie how I wished she would just come down and say hi to us! And I kid you not about 10 seconds later that is exactly what she did (you insisted this crow was a she)! You had some crumbs in your hands from Forrest's biscotti which the crow loved, she was even eating directly out of your hands!

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Week 40 Year 2

Week 40 Year 2

While Forrest slept you (Nixie) me and daddy finally got to dissect our owl pellets! You were so excited about it and couldn't wait although at first you were a bit scared and just wanted to watch but then you got brave and really got into it.

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Week 39 Year 2

Week 39 Year 2

It’s our third year coming to Stonehenge for the Solstice and there’s always such a magical feeling in the air walking towards them in the dark. I had goosebumps and felt a little emotional, I felt a deep sense of peace and was surrounded by such beautiful energies. When we arrived at the stones we laid out our blanket and had a little picnic.

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Week 38 Year 2

Week 38 Year 2

After Forrest woke up we had lunch and then got ready to go visit some of our favourite people: Elina, Levana & Zoryan. You, Nixie were so excited to see them, and seeing all of our babies together always makes me emotional, I can't believe it was just over a year ago that little Zoryan was born. You and Levana played with her babies...

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