This is my personal project and one that is very close to my heart: Photographing one whole day in my life, it began a few years ago on Monday Jan 1, 2018 when I did 1 day a week switching days each week which I did for two years and then for year three I only did them for each full moon and changed the format of them. Now I'm in my fourth year of doing this project, I began with the intention of doing them weekly but that hasn't been happening so I'm doing them whenever it feels right up until I reach Week 52 but still focusing on our weekends or when we are all together and have returned to my original way of doing them which is choosing 25 images for the day. Hope you enjoy following along!
Post 32 Project 4
The rest of the afternoon was spent climbing trees, looking for bird nests, bugs and chicken of the forest (to no avail!) Eventually we reached our special little picnic spot which we call the kingfisher spot because of the one time when a family of them were nesting there. We laid out our blanket which was something that you, Forrest, were adamant we needed to bring with us and all sat down and had some snacks. Daddy kept making you guys laugh and I just love seeing both of your faces expressing pure happiness.
Post 31 Project 4
We parked the car then had a lovely little walk along the heath, it was a beautifully warm evening and the two of you enjoyed seeing all the horses and crossing the streams. You, Forrest did keep trying to get one of us to carry you and I’m really trying not to because you need get used to walking longer distances which you actually already do really well but whenever we say no, Nixie, you jump in and end up carrying him every single time!
Post 30 Project 4
And today you, Nixie happened to wake up at 3am and couldn't get back to sleep so I ended up getting up with you. It's not the best timing since we are having a long day out at Longleat for the day. The last time we were there you had just turned 3!
Post 29 Project 4
It's the spring equinox today!! I woke up ridiculously early at 2 am and decided to get up, but I felt wide awake. Our alarms were set for 3 so I think it was that anticipation of needing to wake up and worrying I'm going to miss the alarm that actually got me up. By the time it was 3 I was all ready, had our bag packed and even made hot chocolate for our sunrise picnic at Stonehenge.
Post 28 Project 4
we could finally go do our first official bumblebee walk for the bumblebee conservation trust. We actually set up a transect last summer but never got our act together but this year we are doing it properly. But I wasn’t prepared for how cold it was going to be!! it was freezing!! Uncomfortably so, my hands ached from the cold. And we didn’t see a single bumblebee, not even one.
Post 27 Project 4
Nixie you loved jumping down the sand dunes and then you decided to take your socks off and play in the water. You are so vibrant and free and it really is the most beautiful thing, you are full of the most incredible power, you kept reminding me of a lioness today. There was a lot of sea foam and it created the most fun for the both of you. Forrest you were really funny and kept walking super close to the edge and then running away from the waves, you were playing a little game.
Post 26 Project 4
Today was a day of firsts: you, Forrest had your first night without nappies, and you played your first board games and I went out for my first cycle of the year!
Week 25 Year 4
As soon as we arrived we headed into the cafe for another coffee and to get some marshmallows. You both loved roasting them, especially you, Forrest and we had a really nice walk through the lit up forest. Nixie you loved running ahead of us and exploring on your own and then hiding and trying to scare us. At one point there was a path of light to walk under and when you saw it you made me cover my eyes and led me to the start of it before I could open my eyes and then you said “look how beautiful!”
Week 24 Year 4
Nixie you kept finding little pieces of sea glass but you ignored us when we told you not to climb into the clay because it was dangerous and lo and behold you got yourself stuck and covered in mud and I had to help pull you out. And then daddy had to help wash you off.
Week 23 Year 4
A drive that should have took us about 2.5 hours ended up taking us 4 hours, there was crazy traffic in several different places on the M3. But somehow it didn't feel too bad because neither of you complained or got upset. Forrest, you did keep asking us almost every 5 minutes "when we there?" Nixie, you kept yourself busy drawing pictures and making a card for nanny. You drew the most amazing face that I immediately fell in love with, I love your unique style.
Week 22 Year 4
We decided to head out to Holland's wood for a little bit so that you, Nixie could ride your bike and so that you, Forrest could finally drive nixies old flower quad bike. We managed to find the charger for it hidden away in a closet last night. Although you have already mostly outgrown it but that didn't stop you from having so much fun even though your speed went at a snails pace! It wasn't long before you were finding tricks you could do on it like steering and standing up, sitting sideways and my favourite lying down!!
week 21 year 4
Today was a beautiful day of starting our winter family traditions! We went and got our LOVE tree, made decorations, made our first batch of mince pies of the season. And it also marks the day where you, Forrest, are really becoming brave and practicing your walking.